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Economy & Business

Economy & Business

Fixing our financial mortar to cement the future

Inaccessible home ownership is pushing talent off island and driving a wedge within society. Here is a possible way through.

5 min read

Highlights and lowlights of the States accounts

A look through the rear-view mirror

4 min read

Twenty actions, ‘in no particular order’

Here's one impulsive reaction to the 'ideas only' economic development strategy

2 min read

Our aspirations in digital infrastructure look ambitious

After 3G and 4G, the aim is to do things differently

4 min read

Sea-changes engulf Guernsey’s key funds sector

Impressive value creation also brings potential vulnerability

5 min read

States Reserves: What we have

Here’s the buzz about our money pots

4 min read

He saw eyesores

This writer is no architect, but knows what he dislikes

3 min read

If it’s territorial-10, how bad is that?

The EU could be taking us to territorial taxation. They might be doing us a favour

3 min read

Out of necessity: why zero-10 was born

A reminder of why we chose our still-controversial corporate tax system, despite a consequent ‘black hole’

3 min read

An inconvenient truth: our advantage is narrowing

Finance is in decline, we have few alternatives…and Brexit could make it worse

4 min read
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